IRA Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #4


Main Page of TumbleBooks Library

For this Literacy Exploration, I will be discussing the website called TumbleBooks Library ( This website is not free, however it is worth the price due to the numerous amount of online books that are available. It cost $499.00 for a 12 month subscription if a school registers for it. This price may seem expensive, however, the subscription is open to the whole school and all educators and students are allowed access.
Main Page after Login 
TumbleBooks Library does not only include online books, there are other tabs that people can click on that include videos, puzzle and games, and playlists. Subscribers can also click the "read along" tab where the books are organized by reading level: early readers, chapter books, and advanced readers. This website also includes the Common Core standards so schools that use those standards can check them. The standards are organized by grade level for easy navigation.
Common Core Standards 
The Story Books tab includes a variety of books from numerous genres that will fit any student's interest. The books are categorized for easy use for students and educators alike. When a person clicks on a book, it will show them a picture of the book's cover, along with a brief summary of what it is about. It also includes author and illustrator details. 
Story Book Example
A cool feature about TumbleBooks Library is that a person can add books to their "favorites" and by clicking the Favorites tab at the top, all the books they previously added to it will show. This is useful because students will not have to go back and try to find the book they liked. 
Overall, TumbleBooks Library is a resourceful tool for schools to subscribe to due to the large variety of books available as well as puzzles, games, and videos. 
